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Diet Tips

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October 18, 2010
Posts: 5

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I am always googling diet tips and have tried a few that have actually worked. I'm all for sharing them and hopefully hearing some new ones in return.

Eat within the first hour and a half that you wake up so that your body doesn't go into starvation.

Cinnamon is a fat burner. Add it to your coffee grounds in the morning before it brews.

Hot water with lemon/cold water with lime keeps you hydrated and as we all know, lemon and lime are fat burners.

Add red crushed red or cayenne pepper to your meals. It's a metabalism booster and it ensures that you eat less.

Park further away and take the extra steps to burn a few extra calories.

There are more but I can't remember them all right off the top of my head.

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`I was thinking of getting my mouth super glued shut. It could be a good dieting skill? Hhaa, none of these actually help when yuor eating over 2,500 calories a day. FML. Being on a diet is just to ----ing hard. I go to the gym and i still don't loose weight! I need like some super good dieiting tips. AHAHHA :[

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September 24, 2008
Posts: 162

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`Super good dieting tips? That's actually easy and you probably know them already.
Cut back on the meat, eat more veggies. Instead of having 3 big meals, try to eat several smaller meals throughout the day.
Don't drink pop. Seriously. Most people I know have cut out pop and lost a ton of weight just with that. Same with fast food. That's like the devil.

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July 20, 2011
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`i'm sure everyone knows what to do physically for the most part, you have to focus on controlling your calorie intake...but its mental too its will and discipline and that's the hardest part, at least for me.

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`I think it's just the expensive side that knocks most people out of it. Easiest way to diet is eat and STOP eating when you know that's enough. But why diet? Once you're around that 200-260 range, that's what makes it big and beautiful. :D

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July 31, 2011
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`Portions used to be a big deal for me. But I'm down to 1200 calories a day and I've lost about 12 pounds in 2 months.

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`Poor hydration is a key factor. This ,"water weight," bull----. From a healthy point of view, how are you going to lose weight if you drink milk or soda instead of water... =\

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